Green Dragon Pub, New Zealand; Living Within The Real Hobbit

Been to New Zealand or New Zealand, do not miss the village and Pub for the Hobbit. Fantasy creature that resembles a human but the mini-sized peaceful and simple life in homes that resemble a small hill, with a roof of green grass, a tiny door in the round and beautiful furniture, must be wondering what it was like a visit to the village and their homes.
green dragon pub, new zealand
Well, now fairytale hometown length about Bilbo and Frodo Baggins who really fascinating in the film The Hobbit is not mere wishful thinking. Hobbiton exist in the real world and can be visited. Only two and a half hour drive from downtown Auckland, New Zealand, the eye and the camera lens will be spoiled by green lawns grooved in Matamata area, which has now become a very popular tourist area in New Zealand.
There you can walk the streets like a small flash back to one scene in the movie The Hobbits. You can imagine Gandalf arrival at Hobbiton, the walk between the houses are immersed in a green meadow. You can also see with your own eyes, beautiful scenery row hobbit house with rounded doors, complete with flowers, fruit and little details of which you see in the movie The Hobbits.
Just a five-minute walk from the small houses of the Hobbit, we were up at the Green Dragon Pub, where Frodo Baggins, Sam Gamgee, Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took gathering place. Pub of the Hobbit was, truly unique! Complete with a small house, water mill, stone bridge and the main building, the pub with an atmosphere just like in the movie, you made like standing in front of a three-dimensional movie, even as it pulled into the big screen, enter the world of the residence of the Hobbit.
In the Green Dragon Pub you can order drinks the Hobbit as Sackville Cider, Oak Barton Ginger Ale Ale and Southfathing. Do not forget to try the cakes the Hobbit, seed cake that tastes makes you like being relaxing and laughing with Frodo Baggins.
Alexander Family owned farm land is successfully been transformed into the Hobbit house known as the "Hobbiton." It appears in this film Peter Jackson managed to pull out all the ideals with the support of his visual effects team in realizing the imagination into reality.
As a result, almost every day of the buses arriving deliver travelers who want to realize the imagination by visiting the home of Bilbo Baggins. Gandalf apparently successfully conjured a lot of people around the world, to come enjoy the beautiful Hobbiton.

No exception Marishka Prudence. The former journalist who is now a travel bloggers feel very fortunate to be able to witness the natural beauty of the location filming The Hobbits. Passion travelingnya more intrigued when he was invited Auckland Airport for a visit to New Zealand. Pru, so he was called, was shocked with one scene of Lord of the Rings that actually exist in the real world, and made with incredible detail.

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