A History Of Dead Sea Jordania, Just Visit Before Disappearing

The Dead Sea (dead sea) had been famous since ancient times. Muslims travel companions want to float and feel the mud properties for skin health and beauty? The right place to get it is The Dead Sea, which is in Jordan. The Dead Sea is one of the most unique and interesting area to visit. The Dead Sea is the lowest region on the surface of the earth or located at 417.5 m below sea level.
Actually, the Dead Sea is not a sea, but a lake that is located on the longitudinal basin in the territory of Israel and Jordan power. In addition to rain water, the main source of water in this lake is the water that flows from the valley around the Sea of ​​Galilee which is passed through the Jordan River. The Dead Sea has a length of 47 miles and 10 miles wide, with a total surface area of ​​about 360 miles. While the depth reaches 1,278 feet.
Dead sea, Jordania
The sensation of floating on the surface of the Dead Sea
The Dead Sea also has the highest level of salt content in the world. In other words, this is the most salty regions in the world. Due to the high content of salt levels, none of aquatic biota that can survive in this lake. For these reasons, the region known as the Dead Sea. With the level of the high salt content, every person who swim in this region will float.
With such uniqueness, many tourists who come to prove the uniqueness of the region. Favorite activities of visitors at the Dead Sea, of course, be "human fish". Dead Sea salt content is very high allowing it. Not hard to do because quite settles down while maintaining balance, be a Muslim travel companions lie on the surface of the water. Whatever, could he read a newspaper or a cup of coffee once. Practically, the Dead Sea provides the best chance for "revenge" for anyone who can not swim. Suitable for anyone who each to the pool for this must choose to soak in the children's section. Inside, to rent towels and lockers are needed 3.5 and 1.5 dinars. If you forget to bring a swimsuit takes 15 dinars to buy. Relatively expensive for 1 dinar Jordan is now worth $ 1.4.
In addition to swimming and trying to float, the other activities undertaken in the Dead Sea area is trying to capitalize on the existing content of the mud at the bottom of the sea. Dead Sea area does contain mud believed to have efficacy and health benefits for the skin. Therefore, high trust to benefit the Dead Sea mud, the mud is produced and packaged for the purposes of health and beauty skin.
Dead Sea water contains many minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and bromium. Sludge material that has been manufactured and sold in packaged form will be easy to find in some stores in the tourist area around the Dead Sea, among others, in the town of Jericho. When was shopping at one of the stores in the city of Jericho, the tourists before buying products Dead Sea mud will receive an explanation of the benefits of each product from a shopkeeper who is fluent in Indonesian and English and other languages.
Based on the results of research experts, the current water level of the Dead Sea tends to decrease. That is because the supply of water from the Jordan River annually shrinking, along with the increasing use of water for agricultural and domestic purposes around the Jordan valley. The decrease of water flow coming into the region resulted in the level of the Dead Sea salt concentration increased.
Dead sea, Jordania
The entrance to the Dead Sea
Therefore, the Dead Sea is divided in two areas of power, the west side of the entrance region of the eastern side of the territory of Israel and Jordan, to visit the region can be done through both regions. In addition, the Dead Sea area is not far from the territory of the Palestinian Authority, especially from the city of Jericho. To access roads on both sides of the Dead Sea, there is a Secondary Road which stretches from north to south. In the north there is a meeting between the Secondary Road Israel with Jordan, who crossed over the Jordan River. While in the south there is a meeting point between the city of Eilat and Akaba, the Arava Border Check Point.

Dead Sea area is very easy to reach from Amman, capital of Jordan. Enough with down Highway 65 from Amman to Suwayma the asphalt about 40 minutes, came to a place that has become a health resort since the two thousand years ago. Most easily take a taxi or rent a car. Therefore, if you choose public transportation, such as buses have to change majors two to three times. For admission to tourist sites in Arabic is called al-Bahr al-Mayyit it, visitors must pay 15 Jordan dinars (about USD 190 thousand).
Dead sea, Jordania

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